10 W Union St
East Bridgewater, MA 02333
Join Reverend Linda Triconi and Jodi RedHawk for an evening of sacred fun, connecting, laughing, see old friends, make new ones in a special, magical space and drum, rattle, bring a didgeridoo, sing a song and dance your stress away!
The drum is a sacred instrument used from the beginning of time for humans to heal, create, celebrate, connect with each other, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and our Divine Creation force. When you drum, you are connecting with your own Divine Creation force, your heart and soul, the heart and soul of those you are drumming with, the heart and soul of Mother Earth, and the hearts and souls of all of your relations, here on our beautiful Earth and throughout the Heavens. Come and leave behind your worries, refresh and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit in a sacred fun space to catalyze your own healing or health maintenance, and raising energy for all parts of your life and goals you wish to achieve. No drum or prior drumming experience necessary. If you have a drum, rattle, didgeridoo, thundermaker or any music maker bring it along for the ride and the fun!
Our intention with this circle is to provide a safe, non judgemental space for you our family and community to have fun together, connect, let go of worldly responsibilities and task lists for a bit and feel better. You can come and just sit and receive the medicine of what is going on or you can go to town singing, dancing and drumming. All are welcome!
Doors open at 6:30, come on in and peruse the many beautiful and unique sacred items, many of which are made by Linda Triconi herself, the owner of Ms. Bee Haven Angel Alley, as well as crystals, gemstones, and much more.
Cost: $10 Cash
To learn more about Ms. Bee Haven Angel Alley visit https://www.facebook.com/MsBeeHavenAngelAlley. To learn more about The Healing Community Centers or Jodi RedHawk please visit www.thehealingcommunitycenters.org; click on the AHH Tab for Jodi RedHawk’s private practice, Ascension Holistic Health, services and programs.