Reiki is a Japanese “laying on hands” technique that is used to release stress and support mental and spiritual clarity.

In Japanese, the word Reiki is made up of two words;

  • “rei” refers to “God’s wisdom or the higher power”
  • “ki” refers “life force energy”, the nonphysical energy that flows through all living things.

The combination of these two words is what defines Reiki as “spiritually guided life-force energy.” While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. Reiki energy increases ones life force energy and brings one closer to their spiritual truth.

Reiki treatments lift lower energies throughout the body, mind, emotions and spirit and infuse feelings of love, peace, security, relaxation and well being. By having a Reiki treatment, one is taking an active part in their healing.

Everyone holds energy and everyone can learn energy healing techniques. Just as you heal yourself by being open to receiving Reiki, you are also able to be the healing channel of giving Reiki (once placements are received). Many people take the steps to Reiki certification after experiencing their first treatment as the river of their life force energy flows so freely they feel the need to share it with the world.

To me, Reiki is Love and I would love to share it with you!

I am a certified Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher
